Public Health Expenditure by Country, 2006
Updated August 5, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

(% of GDP)
Current and capital spending from government (central and local) budgets, external borrowings and grants (including donations from international agencies and nongovernmental organizations) and social (or compulsory) health insurance funds. Together with private health expenditure, it makes up total health expenditure.
Highest percentage spent | Lowest percentage spent | ||||||
Iceland | 8.8% | Portugal | 6.7% | Myanmar | 0.5% | Congo | 1.3% |
Germany | 8.7 | Croatia | 6.5 | Pakistan | 0.7 | Nigeria | 1.3 |
Norway | 8.6 | Australia | 6.4 | Congo, Dem. Rep. of the | 0.7 | Philippines | 1.4 |
Sweden | 8.0 | Japan | 6.4 | Burundi | 0.7 | Ghana | 1.4 |
France | 7.7 | Colombia | 6.4 | Azerbaijan | 0.9 | Togo | 1.4 |
Denmark | 7.5 | Belgium | 6.3 | Tajikistan | 0.9 | Trinidad and Tobago | 1.5 |
Malta | 7.4 | Italy | 6.3 | Guinea | 0.9 | Viet Nam | 1.5 |
East Timor | 7.3 | New Zealand | 6.3 | Georgia | 1.0 | Comoros | 1.5 |
Sí£o Tomé and Principe | 7.2 | Cuba | 6.3 | Equatorial Guinea | 1.0 | Nepal | 1.5 |
Canada | 6.9 | Luxembourg | 6.2 | Cí´te d'Ivoire | 1.0 | Central African Republic | 1.5 |
United Kingdom | 6.9 | Netherlands | 6.1 | Indonesia | 1.1 | Singapore | 1.6 |
United States | 6.8 | Israel | 6.1 | Bangladesh | 1.1 | Sri Lanka | 1.6 |
Czech Republic | 6.8 | Hungary | 6.1 | Armenia | 1.2 | Rwanda | 1.6 |
Switzerland | 6.7 | Macedonia | 6.0 | India | 1.2 | Morocco | 1.7 |
Slovenia | 6.7 | Ireland | 5.8 | Laos | 1.2 | Madagascar | 1.7 |
Costa Rica | 5.8 | Cameroon | 1.2 | Kenya | 1.7 |
Source: Human Development Report, 2006, United Nations. Web:
Public Health Expenditure by Country, 2007 | Health and Social Statistics | Physicians per 100,000 People, by Country |