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Brewer's: As you were

in military drilling, means, Return to the position in which you were before the last exercise. As you were before. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: Covers were laid for

... Dinner was provided for. ... A cover (couvert) in French means knife, fork, spoon, and napkin. Hence, mettre le couvert, to lay the cloth; and lever (or ôter) le couvert, to clear it…

When We Were Kings

Director: Leon GastDirectors of Photography: Maryse Alberti, Paul Goldsmith, Kevin Keating, Albert Maysles and Roderick YoungEditors:Leon Gast, Taylor Hackford, Jeffrey Levy-Hinte and Keith…

Where Were These Old Countries?

The world is an ever-changing place, with borders and political control that seem downright fluid at times, but can you identify where the following old countries once were across the globe?

Back When We Were Grownups

Author:Anne TylerPublisher:Knopf Rebecca Davitch at 53 wonders if she's become the “wrong person.” Widowed in her 20s, Rebecca found herself financially and emotionally accountable for her…

Our Ancestors Were Knuckle-Walkers

And other recent science discoveries by Otto Johnson More Discoveries IntroductionIce Age Haute CoutureAntisocial Brain Tissue DeficitNew Orleans, the New Atlantis?First Cloned…

Who Were These Great Romantic Icons?

The world is full of love and romance. But what do you know about these iconic individuals who have gone down in history as some of the most love-orientated people to ever exist?

Who Were the Youngest U.S. Presidents?

Are you curious about the youngest presidents in the history of the United States? From the charismatic John F. Kennedy to the determined Theodore Roosevelt, the youngest presidents have often made a…

Where in the World Were These Serial Killers?

Can you figure out which locations these infamous serial killers stalked and murdered their victims in? Tap into your inner detective and test your knowledge of the macabre on Infoplease!