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Brewer's: Cloth

(The). The clergy, the clerical office, thus we say “having respect for the cloth” Formerly the clergy used to wear a distinguishing costume, made of grey or black cloth. Source:…

Clothing Buyer---Retail

Anonymous What do you do? I work in the retail industry as a buyer for a specialty-clothing store. What skills are needed…

Brewer's: Care-cloth

(The). The fine linen cloth laid over the newly-married in the Catholic Church. (Anglo-Saxon, cear, large, as cear wúnd (a big wound), cear sorh (a great sorrow), etc.) Source:…

Brewer's: Green Cloth

The Board of Green Cloth. A board connected with the royal household, having power to correct offenders within the verge of the palace and two hundred yards beyond the gates. A warrant…

bark cloth

(Encyclopedia) bark cloth, primitive fabric made in tropical and subtropical countries from the soft inner bark of certain trees. It has been made and used in parts of Africa and India, the Malay…

cloth of gold

(Encyclopedia) cloth of gold, fabric woven wholly or partly of gold threads. From remote times gold has been used as material for weaving either alone or with other fibers. In India tapestries were…

tapa cloth

(Encyclopedia) tapa cloth: see bark cloth.

Brewer's: Board of Green Cloth

So called because the lord steward and his board sat at a table covered with green cloth. It existed certainly in the reign of Henry I., and probably earlier, and was abolished in 1849. “…

Brewer's: Wrong Side of the Cloth

(That is the). The inferior aspect. In French, l'envers du drap. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Wrong Sow by the…

Brewer's: Knights of the Green Cloth

Same as CARPET KNIGHTS (q.v.). Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Knights of the HandcuffsKnights of the Garter A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P…