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(Encyclopedia) canvas, strong, coarse cloth of cotton, flax, hemp, or other fibers, early used as sailcloth. Left in its natural color, bleached, or dyed, it has a wide variety of uses, as for game,…


(Encyclopedia) OgbomoshoOgbomoshoōb&oomacr;ˈmôshô, ŏgbōmōˈshō [key], city (1991 pop. 644,000), SW Nigeria. It is the trade center for a farming region. Yams, cassava, corn, and tobacco are grown…


(Encyclopedia) splint, rigid or semiflexible device for the immobilization of displaced or fractured parts of the body. Most commonly employed for fractures of bones, a splint may be a first-aid…

Ribeirão Prêto

(Encyclopedia) Ribeirão PrêtoRibeirão PrêtorēbārouNˈ prāˈtō [key], city (1996 pop. 452,804), São Paulo state, SE Brazil. The former “coffee capital” of Brazil, the city grew during the late 19th cent…

Philomela and Procne

(Encyclopedia) Philomela and ProcnePhilomela and Procnefĭlōmēˈlə, prŏkˈnē [key], in Greek mythology, daughters of King Pandion of Attica. Procne married Tereus, king of Thrace, and bore him a son,…


(Encyclopedia) oilcloth, originally, cloth treated with oil or other substances so as to be waterproof and used for fishermen's and sailors' wear, for coach robes and covers, and later as a floor…


(Encyclopedia) Faisalabad Faisalabad fīsälˈəbädˌ [key], formerly Lyallpur Faisalabad…


(Encyclopedia) hose, covering for the legs and feet. In the Middle Ages the leg was bound from the ankle to the knee with hides or cloth and then cross-gartered with thongs or strips of cloth; later…


(Encyclopedia) Gouda Gouda gouˈdə, g&oomacr;ˈ–, Du. gouˈdä [key], city, South…


(Encyclopedia) palliumpalliumpălˈēəm [key], vestment proper to the pope, who confers it on archbishops in token of their union with and obedience to him. It is a band of cloth worn around the neck…