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(Encyclopedia) parrot, common name for members of the order Psittaciformes, comprising nearly 400 species of colorful birds, pantropical in distribution, including the parakeets. Parrots have large…


(Encyclopedia) Emilia-Romagna Emilia-Romagna āmēˈlyä-rōmäˈnyä [key], region, 8,542 sq mi (22,124 sq km), N central…


(Encyclopedia) iconoclasmiconoclasmīkŏnˈōklăzəm [key] [Gr.,=image breaking], opposition to the religious use of images. Veneration of pictures and statues symbolizing sacred figures, Christian…

Harvard University

(Encyclopedia) Harvard University, mainly at Cambridge, Mass., including Harvard College, the oldest American college. From two distinct schools, Radcliffe College for women (est. 1879, chartered…

Some Ancient Civilizations

Name Approximate dates Location Major cities Akkadian 2350–2230 B.C. Mesopotamia, parts ofSyria, Asia Minor,Iran Akkad, Ur, Erich Assyrian 1800–889 B.C. Mesopotamia,…

The Crusades

(1096–1291) In 1095 at Council of Clermont, Pope Urban II calls for war to rescue Holy Land from Muslim infidels. The First Crusade (1096) is assembled in response to Emperor Alexius I. The…

The Revolutionary War

Conflicts increase between colonists and Britain on western frontier because of royal edict limiting western expansion (1763) and regulation of colonial trade and increased taxation of…

French Revolution (1789–1799)

Revolution begins when Third Estate (Commons) delegates swear not to disband until France has a constitution. Paris mob storms Bastille, symbol of royal power (July 14, 1789). National…

The War of 1812

Also see the encyclopedia entry on the War of 1812 British interference with American trade, impressment of American seamen, and “War Hawks” drive for western expansion lead to war. American…

The Civil War

Apart from the matter of slavery, the Civil War arose out of both the economic and political rivalry between an agrarian South and an industrial North and the issue of the right of states to…