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Brewer's: First Gentleman of Europe

A nickname given to George IV., who certainly was first in rank, but it would be sad indeed to think he was ever the most gentlemanly man in feeling, manners, and deportment. Louis d'…

Brewer's: First Grenadier of France

A title given by Napoleon to Latour d'Auvergne (1743-1800). Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894First Stroke is Half the BattleFirst Gentleman of Europe A B C…

The Full Story of the First Thanksgiving

The origins of Thanksgiving trace far back in American history. Its roots are deeply embedded into the country's culture and traditions, celebrated annually by families and friends gathering around…

Which Came First Quiz

People tend to think about history in clumps. They think about art history separate from military history separate from science history. That can make it hard to remember when things happened in…

Which State Came First?

Which of the American States were the first to accept a wide variety of the famous legislative innovations, initiatives, and motions throughout the years? Come and test your US knowledge today!

First Marriages by Age and Sex

In England and Wales Year All ages Persons marrying per 1,000 single population at ages Per-cent aged under 20 Mean age2 (years) Median age2 (years) Males Number Rate1…

Famous Firsts by Hispanic Americans

The first Hispanic-American politicians, baseball players, and more Government Member of U.S. Congress: Joseph Marion Hernández, 1822, delegate from the Florida territory. Sonia Sotomayor…

Aitareya-Aranyaka: First Aranyaka

Contents First Adhyâya First Khanda Second Khanda Third Khanda Fourth Khanda Second Adhyâya First Khanda Second Khanda Third Khanda Fourth Khanda Third Adhyâya…