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The First Modern Olympics: Athens, 1896

The birth of the modern Olympic Games by John Gettings Marathon runners, Greece 1896 Related Links Olympics Overview 2012 Memorable Olympic Moments Encyclopedia: Ancient Olympics…

Mundaka-Upanishad: First Mundaka, Second Khanda

Second Khanda1. This is the truth: the sacrificial works which they (the poets) saw in the hymns (of the Veda) have been performed in many ways in the Treta age. Practise them diligently, ye…

Mundaka-Upanishad: Second Mundaka, First Khanda

Second MundakaFirst Khanda1. This is the truth. As from a blazing fire sparks, being like unto fire, fly forth a thousandfold, thus are various beings brought forth from the Imperishable, my…