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Selected International Organizations

Learn about various international organizations that operate cooperatively throughout the world. Each organization is composed of several or many countries with a joint goal…

Diplomatic Personnel to and from the U.S.

Country U.S. Representative to1Rank Representative from1RankAfghanistanRonald NeumannAmb.Seyyed Tayeb JawadAmb.Albania Marcie Berman RiesAmb. Fatos TarifaAmb.Algeria Richard W. ErdmanAmb.…

International Relations

Cite /**/ Secretary General Ban Ki-moon addresses the General Assembly of the United NationsFor as long as there have been countries, there has been diplomacy; nearly 4,000 years ago the Shang…

Cuba Primer

  Find facts and the history of Cuba and U.S.-Cuba relations, biographies of notable Cubans, information about the Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis, travel to Cuba, and more   Tension between…

The United Nations

In 1945, the United Nations was founded by "peace-loving states"   Related Links About the UN Security Council UN Charter UN Security Council Members Current and Completed…

Preamble of the United Nations Charter

Preamble of the United Nations Charter The Charter of the United Nations was adopted at the San Francisco Conference of 1945. The complete text is available on the UN website,…

General Assembly

The General Assembly is the world's forum for discussing matters affecting world peace and security, and for making recommendations concerning them. It has no…

Security Council

The Security Council is the primary instrument for establishing and maintaining international peace. Its main purpose is to prevent war by settling disputes…

Economic and Social Council

This council is composed of 54 members elected by the General Assembly to three-year terms. It works under the authority of the General Assembly and seeks to promote progress in terms of…