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Percy Bysshe Shelley: Charles I Scene 2

by Percy Bysshe Shelley Scene 1: The Masque of the Inn... Scene 3: The Star Chamber Scene 2: A Chamber in Whitehall. Enter the King, Queen, Laud, Lord Straftord, Lord Cottington, and other…

New York

New York State Information Official Name: State of New York Capital: Albany  Organized as a territory: 1624 Entered Union (rank): July 26, 1788 (11th state) Present constitution adopted: 1777…

Oregon, state, United States

(Encyclopedia) CE5 OregonOregonŏrˈĭgən, –gŏn [key], state in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. It is bordered by Washington, largely across the Columbia River (N), Idaho, partially…