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Eloise in Moscow

More Impish Fun? "Oh definitely Da" by Holly Hartman "Weenie's coat was made of porcupine which was rawther sweet He got it especially for the trip They treated him like a dog…

Brewer's: Calumet

[the peace—pipe ]. When the North American Indians make peace or form an alliance, the high contracting parties smoke together to ratify the arrangement. The peace-pipe is about two and…

Brewer's: City of the Seven Hills

(The). Rome, built on seven hills (Urbs septacollis ). The hills are the Aventine, Cælian, Capitoline, Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal, and Viminal. The AVENTINE HILL was given to the…

Brewer's: Luna

An ancient seaport of Genoa, whence the marble quarried in the neighbourhood is called “marmo lunense.” (Orlando Furioso.) Conte di Luna. Garzia, brother of Count Luna, had two sons. One…

Brewer's: Rosalia

or St. Rosalie. A native of Palermo, who was carried by angels to an inaccessible mountain, where she lived for many years in the cleft of a rock, a part of which she wore away with her…

Brewer's: Quarry

(A). The place where stone, marble, etc., are dug out and squared. (French, quarré, formed into square blocks.) (Tomlinson.) Quarry Prey. This is a term in falconry. When a hawk struck…

Brewer's: Winchester

According to the authority given below, Winchester was the Camelot of Arthurian romance. Hanmer, referring to King Lear, ii. 2, says Camelot is Queen…

Brewer's: Fierabras

(Sir), of Alexandria, son of Balan, King of Spain. The greatest giant that ever walked the earth. For height of stature, breadth of shoulder, and hardness of muscle he never had an equal.…

Brewer's: Mercury

Images of Mercury, or rather, shapeless posts with a marble head of Mercury on them, used to be erected by the Greeks and Romans where two or more roads met, to point out the way. (Juvenal…