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St. Chad Remembered

Election Controversy Ignites Interest in British Saint by David Johnson St. Chad's parish does not object to an additional job for St. Chad. "St. Chad as the patron saint of disputed elections is…

Amy Lowell: The Road to Avignon

The Road to AvignonA Minstrel stands on a marble stair, Blown by the bright wind, debonair; Below lies the sea, a sapphire floor, Above on the terrace a turret door Frames a lady, listless…

Amy Lowell: III

IIIThe gates stand wide at Malmaison, stand wide all day. The gravel of the avenue glints under the continual rolling of wheels. An officer gallops up with his sabre clicking; a mameluke…


(Encyclopedia) screen, in architecture, partition or enclosure not extending to the ceiling; usually a structure in stone, wood, or metal. It frequently serves to mark the boundaries of portions of…

Grand Canyon

(Encyclopedia) Grand Canyon, great gorge of the Colorado River, one of the natural wonders of the world; c.1 mi (1.6 km) deep, from 4 to 18 mi (6.4–29 km) wide, and 217 mi (349 km) long, NW Ariz. The…


(Encyclopedia) Canterbury, city and district, Kent, SE England, on the Stour River. Tourism, services, and retail are the city's main industries. There…

The World's Most Notorious Despots, Part 4

The World's Most Notorious Despots by Borgna Brunner Top Ten Despots TamerlaneIvan the TerribleRobespierreJoseph StalinAdolph HitlerMao ZedongFrancois DuvalierNicolae CeausescuIdi…

John Keats: Ode on a Grecian Urn

by John Keats Ode to a NightingaleOde to PsycheOde on a Grecian Urn Thou still unravish'd bride of quietness, Thou foster-child of silence and slow time, Sylvan historian, who…

Democratic National Convention Keynote Address

by Former Texas Governor Ann Richards Democratic National Convention Keynote Address Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Buenas noches, mis amigos! I am delighted to be here with you this…

Geology of the Grand Canyon: Corrasion.

WEATHERING.CORRASION.Mr. G. K. Gilbert has embodied in his admirable monograph on the Henry Mountains, a chapter on Land Sculpture, which sets forth in most logical and condensed from the…