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Displaying 491 - 500

Brewer's: Cremona

An organ stop, a corruption of the Italian cormorne, which is the German krummhorn, an organ stop of eight feet pitch; so called from a wind-instrument made of wood, and bent outwards in a…

Brewer's: Da Capo

or D.C. From the beginning—that is, finish with a repetition of the first strain. A term in music. (Italian.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894DabD.T. A B…

Brewer's: Impannata

The Madonna del Impannata, by Raphael, takes its distinctive name from the oiled paper window in the background. (Italian, impannata, oiled paper.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable…

Brewer's: In Petto

(Italian). Held in reserve, kept back, something done privately, and not announced to the general public. (In pectore [Latin], in the breast.) Cardinals in petto. Cardinals about to be…

Brewer's: Incog

—i.e. Incognito (Italian). Under an assumed name or title. When a royal person travels, and does not wish to be treated with royal ceremony, he assumes some inferior title for the nonce,…

Brewer's: Dean

(the Latin Decanus). The chief over ten prebends or canons. The Dean (Il Piovano.) Arlotto, the Italian humorist. (1395-1483.) Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick. (1667-1745.) Source:…

Brewer's: Dear

Oh, dear me! Regarded, but without evidence, as a corruption of the Italian O Dio mio! Dear Bought and Far Brought or Dear bought and far felt. A gentle reproof for some extravagant…

Brewer's: Dilettante

(Italian). An amateur of the fine arts, in opposition to a professor. Plural, dilettanti. “These gentlemen are to be judged, not as dilettanti, but as professors.” —Athenæum. Source:…

Brewer's: Alto relievo

Italian for “high relief.” A term used in sculpture for figures in wood, stone, marble, etc., so cut as to project at least one-half from the tablet. It should be rilievo (3 syl.).…

Brewer's: Ambuscade

(3 syl.). is the Italian imboscata (concealed in a wood). Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894AmedamnéeAmbry A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R…