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Brewer's: Italian Architecture

The Roman architecture revived in the fifteenth century, and in vogue during that and the two succeeding ones. It is divided into three schools—the Florentine, Roman, and Venetian.…

Brewer's: Italian of Asia

(The). Persian is so called. Noted for its harmony, and its adaptation to verse and the lighter class of music. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Italic…

Walt Whitman: Italian Music in Dakota

Italian Music in Dakota["The Seventeenth—the finest Regimental Band I ever heard."]Through the soft evening air enwinding all, Rocks, woods, fort, cannon, pacing sentries, endless wilds, In…

Movies and Film: Italian Film History

Italian Film HistoryMovies and FilmItalian Film HistoryTurnin' to TurinRinging the White TelephoneA Few Good FilmsThe Past 20 Years Italy's first fiction film wasn't released until 1905. Filoteo…


(Encyclopedia) TyrolTyroltĭrˈŏl, tīrōlˈ [key], Ger. Tirol, region and province (1991 pop. 631,410), 4,882 sq mi (12,644 sq km), W Austria. Innsbruck is the capital. The southern section of the…

Trentino–Alto Adige

(Encyclopedia) Trentino–Alto AdigeTrentino–Alto Adigetrāntēˈnō-älˈtō äˈdējā [key], region (1991 est. pop. 890,360), 5,256 sq mi (13,613 sq km), N Italy, bordering on Switzerland in the northwest and…