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G - K

gigabyte (GB)1024 megabytes. Also called gig.glitchThe cause of an unexpected malfunction.GopherAn Internet search tool that allows users to access textual information through a series of…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: The Initial Love

The Initial LoveVenus, when her son was lost, Cried him up and down the coast, In hamlets, palaces and parks, And told the truant by his marks,— Golden curls, and quiver and bow. This befell…

Brewer's: Dragon

The Greek word drakon comes from a verb meaning “to see,” to “look at,” and more remotely “to watch” and “to flash.” The animal called a dragon is a winged crocodile with a serpent's tail…

Walt Whitman: The Centenarian's Story

The Centenarian's Story [Volunteer of 1861-2, at Washington Park, Brooklyn, assisting the Centenarian.] Give me your hand old Revolutionary, The hill-top is nigh, but a few steps, (…