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The Divine Comedy: Inferno: Canto XXV

Inferno: Canto XXIVInferno: Canto XXVIInferno: Canto XXV At the conclusion of his words, the thief Lifted his hands aloft with both the figs, Crying: "Take that, God, for at thee I aim…

Federalist No. 11

No 10 No 12 The Utility of the Union in Respect to Commercial Relations and a Navy For the Independent Journal.Hamilton To the People of the State of New York: THE…

Astronomical Terms

  The Milky Way, the galaxy containing our solar system, is about 100,000 light-years in diameter and about 10,000 light-years thick.   Aphelion: see Orbit. Apogee: see Orbit. Black hole…

Warren Harding (December 8, 1922)

MEMBERS OF THE CONGRESS: So many problems are calling for solution that a recital of all of them, in the face of the known limitations of a short session of Congress, would seem to lack sincerity…

Middle Eastern religions

(Encyclopedia) Middle Eastern religions, religious beliefs and practices of the ancient inhabitants of the Middle East. Little was known about the religions of the city-states of W Asia until stores…