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A. L. Rowse Biography

A. L. RowseAge: 93 Flamboyant British Shakespearean scholar who identified the “Dark Lady” of Shakespeare's sonnets.Died: Oct. 3, 1997.Marvin Rothenberg1997 DeathsMike Royko

Slobodan Milosevic, 1999 News

57, president of Yugoslavia, balked at repeated warnings from NATO to withdraw Yugoslav troops and weapons from Albanian-dominated Kosovo, which had been fighting for full independence from…

Alexander Fleming

Alexander Fleming is famous for discovering the usefulness of penicillin as an antibacterial agent. Raised in rural Scotland, he moved to London in his teens and worked as a shipping clerk and…

America's Most Endangered Places

The Ellis Island Hospital in New York Harbor is among American sites most at risk America's Most Endangered Places America's Most Endangered Places 2011America's Most Endangered Places…

The 2013 Boston Marathon Tragedy

Shrine for Boston Marathon Bombing Victims Photo Credit: Natalie Baumgardner Rolling Stone's Controversial Cover by Jennie Wood On…

The Boston Marathon Tragedy

Three people were killed and hundreds injured after multiple bombs exploded during the Boston Marathon. Boston Marathon Shrine, April 20, 2013 Photo credit: Natalie Baumgardner…

Persons under 18 years old, percent, 2000

Age Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census of Population, Public Law 94-171 Redistricting Data File. Updated every 10 years. Definition: Age classification is…

The Czardas Dance

The Question: I am trying to identify the Russian dance where the "dancers" have their arms crossed in front of them while they bouncing up and down and…

Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene is one of several women who followed and "provided for" Jesus of Nazareth during his traveling ministry, according to Christian scriptures. Mary Magdalene is also variously portrayed…