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Loretta Swit

Loretta Swit began her career in live theater and then began making TV guest appearances in 1969. In 1972 she landed the full-time role of Major Margaret 'Hot Lips' Houlihan on the TV series M*A*S*H…

Michael J. Blassie, 1998 News

Air Force lieutenant who was killed when his plane was shot down in South Vietnam in 1972, was identified in May as the Vietnam serviceman buried in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers in 1984…

DeForest Kelley

DeForest Kelley had one of those lightning-struck showbiz careers. After nearly two decades in supporting roles in westerns and B-movies, he joined the original cast of the TV show Star Trek in 1966…

2017 Year in Review - Science & Technology News

  Top events for the nation and the world in 2017 Prev Next Frog News Rare Frog Species Captured and Another Species Discovered On February 4, researchers located and captured specimens of…

Cardinal, Ordinal, and Nominal Numbers

Cardinal numbers, known as the “counting numbers,” indicate quantity. Ordinal numbers indicate the order or rank of things in a set (e.g., sixth in line; fourth place). Nominal numbers…

Bharata Biography

Bharata Emperor A legendary king who unified India and the then-known world. He has been identified in Hindu traditions with the son of King Dushyanta, and in Jain traditions with the son of…

Carl Linnaeus

Carl Linnaeus was a Swedish botanist of the 18th century who devised the binomial system of taxonomy for plants. A physician by training, Linnaeus was gifted enough at plant identification that me…

Butch Cassidy

Name at birth: Robert Leroy ParkerButch Cassidy was one of the most notorious outlaws of the old American west, the leader of the Wild Bunch gang out of Wyoming. Butch and his gang robbed banks and…

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) (U.S.)

Destination: Lunar orbit. Launch: Oct. 2008. Mission: To obtain data necessary for the return of humans to the Moon. The orbiting craft will measure deep-space radiation in lunar orbit, map…

Chandra Levy, 24, 2002 News

  former Justice Department Bureau of Prisons intern who disappeared from Washington, DC, in April 2001, was found in May in a secluded area of Rock Creek Park, about four miles from her apartment…