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William H. Whyte Biography

William H. WhyteAge: 81 sociological writer who identified a trend toward corporate conformity—and encouraged individuals to resist it—in the 1956 bestseller The Organization Man.Died:…

Mars Science Laboratory (U.S.)

Destination: Mars. Launch: Fall 2009. Arrival: Oct. 2010. Mission: To continue exploration of Martian rocks and soil using a heavier and longer rover vehicle. The rover will have a laser…

Robert Good 2003 Deaths

Robert GoodAge: 81 a founder of modern immunology who, in 1968, performed the world's first successful bone marrow transplant. Good's research identified the importance of the thymus in…

Amanda Gorman

Amanda Gorman hit the national spotlight on January 20, 2021, when she gave a reading of her poem “The Hill We Climb” at the inauguration of President Joe Biden. At age 22, she was the youngest poet…

Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Name at birth: Lawrence FerlingLawrence Ferlinghetti was a San Francisco writer, bookseller and publisher who was central to the literary movement known as The Beat Generation. When he settled in…

Valerie Plame Wilson, 2006 News

former covert CIA agent, and her husband, Joseph Wilson, a former U.S. ambassador, sued Vice President Dick Cheney, his former top aide I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, and presidential adviser…

Judith Miller, 2005 News

New York Times reporter, was sent to jail in July after she refused to testify before a grand jury about confidential sources she interviewed while researching the illegal disclosure of the…

Karl Rove, 2005 News

one of President Bush's closest advisers, was revealed to be the secret source used by TIME magazine reporter Matt Cooper for a story he wrote in 2003 about the disclosure of the identity of…