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Displaying 421 - 430

Brewer's: Widow's Piano

Inferior instruments sold as bargains; so called from the ordinary advertisement announcing that a widow lady is compelled to sell her piano, for which…

Brewer's: B Flats

Bugs. The pun is “B” (the initial letter), and “flat,” from the flatness of the obnoxious insect. Also called Norfolk Howards, from Mr. Bugg, who advertised in the Times that he should in…

Brewer's: Diplomatic Cold

(A). An excuse to get over a disagreeable engagement. Mr. Healy M.P. (1885) said that Lord Hartington and Mr. Gladstone had “diplomatic colds,” when they pleaded indisposition as an excuse…


What is this job like? Artists make art to express what they are feeling or thinking. They use many methods—drawing, painting, sculpting. They use an assortment of materials—different kinds…

Encountering Complex Fractions

Encountering Complex Fractions Algebra Rational Expressions Simplifying Rational Expressions Combining Rational Expressions Multiplying and Dividing Rationally Encountering Complex Fractions…

Make Sense of Scholarships

by Roxana Hadad, Scholarship dollars come from sources as diverse as the students who receive them. An understanding of who's giving away this money for college will help you…

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

(March 2, 1904-Sept. 24, 1991) By Borgna Brunner Related Links: Children's LiteratureAll-Time Bestselling Children's BooksMost recent Newbery Awards and complete list of earlier winners…

Brewer's: Lion's Provider

A jackal; a foil to another man's wit, a humble friend who plays into your hand to show you to best advantage. The jackal feeds on the lion's leavings, and is supposed to serve the lion in…

Brewer's: Flaming

Superb, captivating, attractive. The French flambant. This word was originally applied to those persons who dressed themselves in rich dresses “flaming” with gold and silver thread. We now…

Brewer's: Hugh Perry

An English perversion of “Euperion,” a predecessor of lucifer matches invented by Heurtner, who opened a shop in the Strand, and advertised his invention thus— To save your knuckles time…