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James BROOKS, Congress, NY (1810-1873)

BROOKS James , a Representative from New York; born in Portland, Maine, November 10, 1810; attended the public schools; attended the academy at Monmouth, Maine; taught school at sixteen years of…

Elmore Leonard

Elmore Leonard was the author of more than 40 crime and western novels and was known especially for his crackling dialogue and dark humor. He was a top-selling writer from the 1980s through his death…

Catherine Dean MAY, Congress, WA (1914-2004)

MAY Catherine Dean , a Representative from Washington; born Catherine Dean Barnes, May 18, 1914, in Yakima, Wash.; graduated from Yakima Valley Junior College, Yakima, Wash., 1934; B.S.,…

Paul Sorvino

Paul Sorvino was an actor of stage and screen, best known for his role as Paulie the crime boss in Goodfellas (1990, directed by Martin Scorsese). Sorvino grew up in Brooklyn and took singing…

Elon Musk

Elon Musk is one of the richest people in the world and the man behind Tesla and SpaceX — companies building cars and rockets. Born to a well-to-do family in Pretoria, South Africa, Elon Musk…

The Monkees

The Monkees were a made-for-TV musical group formed in 1965, when the producers Bob Rafelson and Bert Schneider advertised for band members in Variety. The next year the zany comedy TV show The…

Broadcasting Timeline

Here are key moments in the evolution and history of broadcasting. 1897 K.F. Braun invents the cathode-ray tube…

April 2012 Current Events: Business News

U.S. News | World News | Disasters & Science News Here are the key events in business and science news for the month of April 2012. Yahoo Cuts 2,000 Jobs (Apr. 4…