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Ralph Nader

Consumer advocate and presidential hopeful by Beth Rowen Nader is opposed to big insurance companies, "corporate welfare," and the "dangerous convergence of corporate and government…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: July 4, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark July 3, 1805July 5, 1805July 4, 1805 Thursday July 4th 1805. Yesterday we permitted Sergt. Gass McNeal and several others who had not yet seen…

Oliver Ellsworth: Landholder XIII

Landholder XIIIOliver EllsworthMonday, March 24, 1788 The attempt to amend our federal Constitution, which for some time past hath engrossed the public regard, is doubtless become an old…

The Congress of Women: Women in the Greek Drama

by Mrs. Julia Ward Howe The Nineteenth CenturyNeedlework as Taught in StockholmWomen in the Greek Drama Mrs. Julia Ward Howe is a native of New York City. She was born May 27, 1819. Her…