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Orthodox Christian Holidays, 2010-2030

Top of Page The Orthodox Church is one of the oldest Christian denominations, with a rich history and tradition that spans many centuries and countries, from Russia and Greece to the Middle East and…

Cato I

Cato IThursday, September 27, 1787by For the New York Journal.To the Citizens of the State of New York: The Convention, who sat at Philadelphia, have at last delivered to Congress that…

The True George Washington: Enemies: Gates

GatesTurning from these public rather than personal foes, a very different type of enemies is encountered in those inimical to Washington in his own army. Chief of these was Horatio Gates,…

Equal Rights For Women

by Shirley Chisholm Mr. Speaker, when a young woman graduates from college and starts looking for a job, she is likely to have a frustrating and even demeaning experience ahead of her…

James Winthrop: Agrippa IV

Agrippa IVJames Winthrop3 December 1787by James Winthrop, AgrippaTo the People.Having considered some of the principal advantages of the happy form of government under which it is our…

Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr

  The month of fasting For more on Islamic history and culture, see the Islam Primer. For more than a billion Muslims, Ramadan is a time of prayer, fasting, and charity. Related Links Major Islamic…

Congressional District Size

Source: U.S. Census Bureau Apportionment is the process of dividing the 435 seats in the House of Representatives among the 50 states. The number of seats, or representatives, each state is entitled…

What Is Feng Shui?

The classical Chinese system for seeking harmony by David Johnson When to Feng Shui? According to the website of the Way Geomancy Pte. LTD, a Singapore consulting firm, a feng shui…

Customs Information

United States residents must declare all articles acquired abroad and in their possession at the time of their return. In addition, articles acquired in the U.S. Virgin Islands, American…