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Federal Income Tax Comparisons

Taxes at Selected Rate Brackets After Standard Deductions and Personal Exemptions1 Adjustedgrossincome Single return listing no dependents…

Prefatory Note

Book: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Prefatory NoteThe execution of this version of the ILIAD has been entrusted to the three Translators in the following…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 A pendulum clock: Weight-driven clock mechanism clock, instrument for measuring and indicating time. Predecessors of the clock were the sundial, the hourglass, and the…

Chemistry: Equilibrium Constants

Equilibrium ConstantsChemistrySolution Chemistry/emical EquilibriaWhat Is an Equilibrium?Equilibrium ConstantsHeterogeneous EquilibriaDisturbing Equilibria: Le Chtelier's Principle All equilibria…

John F. Kennedy (January 14, 1963)

Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the 88th Congress: I congratulate you all—not merely on your electoral victory but on your selected role in history. For you and I are privileged to…

Beth Finds the Palace Beautiful

Beth Finds the Palace BeautifulThe big house did prove a Palace Beautiful, though it took some time for all to get in, and Beth found it very hard to pass the lions. Old Mr. Laurence was the…


(Encyclopedia) FungiFungifŭnˈjī [key], kingdom of heterotrophic single-celled, multinucleated, or multicellular organisms, including yeasts, molds, and mushrooms. The organisms live as parasites,…