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Displaying 401 - 410

Olive Tilford Dargan: Path Flower

Path FlowerOlive Tilford DarganA red-cap sang in Bishop's wood, A lark o'er Golder's lane, As I the April pathway trod Bound west for Willesden.At foot each tiny blade grew big And taller…

Weather: Forecasting by Clouds

Forecasting by CloudsWeatherPartly to Mostly CloudyMoisture and HumidityIn the CloudsTen Major Cloud TypesForecasting by Clouds Weather Words "It sits lookingover the harbor and cityon silent…

Philosophy & Religion

Socrates wasn't the first philosopher, but he is widely credited as the forefather of Western philosophy.Philosophy, from the Greek philos ("loving") and sophia ("wisdom"), is a bit hard to define.…

The 2003 Class of Inductees

George Carruthers, 1939–, Far Electrograph Ultraviolet Camera. The Far Ultraviolet Camera and Spectrograph uses ultraviolet light to study Earth's upper atmosphere, stars, and interstellar…

Columbia Encyclopedia: Preface

The Columbia Encyclopedia began its existence in the 1920s when Clarke Fisher Ansley and Columbia University Press recognized the need for a first aid for those who read. They envisioned and created…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: July 5, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark July 4, 1806July 6, 1806July 5, 1806 July 5th 1806. Set out at 6 A.M.- steered N. 75 E. 61/2 M. passed a stout C. N Side at 21/2 M. another just…

The Harry Potter Haiku Archive, Part II

Wizardry poetry from our readers! On to the Haiku Archive, Parts I, III, IV, V, VI, VII, and other kinds of Harry poems! All About Harry Haikus Hedwig is swooping through the…

America's Most Endangered Places 2005

Finca Vigía, National Landscape Conservation System, King Island and “The Journey Through Hallowed Ground” Corridor Endangered In a report released in June 2005, the National Trust for Historic…