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Displaying 361 - 370

Robert Frost: Birches

BirchesRobert FrostWhen I see birches bend to left and right Across the lines of straighter darker trees, I like to think some boy's been swinging them. But swinging doesn't bend them down to…

Great Novels by Native American Authors

Popular novels about Native life and heritage by Native authors Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Related Links American Indian Heritage Month American Indian Quotes Notable…

Women's Suffrage: Why the Book is Written

by Carrie Chapman Catt and Nettie Rogers Shuler How the Woman Suffrage Movement Began Why the Book is Written The campaign for woman suffrage in America long since ended. Gone are the days of…

Brewer's: Yellow-bellies

Frogs, fenmen. The Mexicans are so called. “When the Queen's Prize was won at Wimbledon, July 21st, 1885, by Sergeant Bulmer, 2nd Lincoln, his victory was hailed with `Well done, yellow-…

Brewer's: Belinda

The heroine of Pope's serio-comical poem, entitled the Rape of the Lock. The poem is based on a real incident:- Lord Petre cut off a lock of Miss Fermor's hair, and this liberty gave rise…

Brewer's: Berenice

(4 syl.). The sister-wife of Ptolemy III., who vowed to sacrifice her hair to the gods, if her husband returned home the vanquisher of Asia. She suspended her hair in the temple of the war…

Brewer's: Dirt

is matter in the wrong place. (Lord Palmerston.) This is not true: a diamond or sovereign lost on a road is matter in a wrong place, but certainly is not dirt. Throw plenty of dirt and…