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The Devil's Dictionary: Introduction

by Ambrose Bierce INTIMACYINVENTORINTRODUCTION -n. A social ceremony invented by the devil for the gratification of his servants and the plaguing of his enemies. The introduction attains…

Queen Anne

Queen Anne was the queen of England, Scotland and Ireland during the War of Spanish Succession (1702-14), an era that lay the foundation for Britain's colonial power in the 18th century. The second…

Felix Savon

Name at birth: Félix Savón FabreFélix Savón is the Cuban boxer who won three Olympic gold medals as the dominant amateur heavyweight of the 1980s and 1990s. Félix Savón was born in rural Cuba and…

Koizumi, Junichiro

(Encyclopedia) Koizumi, JunichiroKoizumi, Junichiroj&oobreve;nēˈchērō kōēˈz&oomacr;mē [key], 1942–, Japanese political leader, b. Yokosuka. From a political family, he studied economics at…

Martin VAN BUREN, Congress, NY (1782-1862)

Senate Years of Service: 1821-1828 Party: Democratic Republican; Crawford Republican; Jacksonian VAN BUREN Martin , a Senator from New York, a Vice President and 8th President of the United States…

Gabon Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Gabon Index: People History Government and Political Conditions Economy Defense Foreign Relations U.S.-Gabonese Relations PEOPLEAlmost all Gabonese are…

Taiwan Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Taiwan Index: People History Administration Political Conditions Economy Defense Foreign Relations U.S.-Taiwan Relations PEOPLETaiwan has a population…