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Displaying 471 - 480

Brewer's: Rings Noted in Fable

Agramant's ring. This enchanted ring was given by Agramant to the dwarf Brunello, from whom it was stolen by Bradamant and given to Melissa. It passed successively into the hands of Rogero…

All-NBA Teams

All-NBA Teams Voting by a 115-member panel of local and national pro basketball writers and broadcasters. Each ballot has entries for three teams; points awarded on 5-3-1 basis. First Team…

Indy Racing League Results: 1999 Season

DateEventLocationWinner (Pos.)TimeAvg.mphPoleQual.mphJan. 24Indy 200 at WDWOrlandoEddie Cheever (13)1:41:14.800118.538S. Sharp 171.371Mar. 28WorldCom 200PhoenixScott Goodyear (3)1:56:40.052…

Brewer's: Venus

Love; the goddess of love; courtship. Copper was called Venus by the alchemists. (See Aphrodite) “Venus smiles not in a house of tears.” Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, iv.l. Venus is the…

1997 Auto Race Winners

DateEventLocationWinner (Pos.)TimeAvg.mphPoleQual.mphAug. 18True Value 200LoudonScott Sharp (12)1:36:57.912130.934R. Hearn175.367Sept. 15Las Vegas 500KLas VegasRichie Hearn (8)2:36:17.345115.…

Brewer's: Girdle

(g hard). A good name is better than a golden girdle. A good name is better than money. It used to be customary to carry money in the girdle, and a girdle of gold meant a “purse of gold.”…