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T. R. Knight Biography

actor Born: March 26, 1973Birthplace: Minneapolis, Minnesota T. R. Knight was just five years-old when he became involved with Minneapolis' Guthrie Theater. Later,…

Madonna (Music)

MusicMaverick/Warner Brothers Too often immersed in image and fashion, films, photo ops and occasional scandals, Madonna had frequently relegated her music to a secondary role prior to 1998.…

Geometry: Similar Triangles

Similar TrianglesGeometrySimilar TrianglesRatio, Proportion, and Geometric MeansProperties of Similar TrianglesThe Big Three When you have two congruent triangles, you have triangles that are…

Alan Parker

British filmmaker Alan Parker made most of his movies with American studios and actors, including Midnight Express (1977) and Mississippi is Burning (1988), both of which brought him Oscar…

Michaele Salahi

Name at birth: Michelle Ann HoltMichaele Salahi and her husband, Tareq Salahi, gained notoriety in 2009 for worming their way into an official state dinner at the White House without an invitation.…

Stephen Fry Biography

Stephen Fryactor, writerBorn: 8/24/1957Birthplace: London, England Fry first came to the attention of American audiences in A Fish Called Wanda (1988), then with his portrayal of the butler Jeeves in…

Renee Zellweger

A longtime star of the silver screen, Renee Zellweger won the Academy Award as best supporting actress for her role as plucky Ruby Thewes in the 2003 Civil War drama Cold Mountain. She won a second…

Tony Bennett

Name at birth: Anthony Dominick BenedettoTony Bennett was an American pop singer, a classic "crooner" whose popularity in the 1950s was overshadowed by his lengthy comeback in the 21st century. He…