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Micronesia Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Micronesia   Women play volleyball in Kosrae, Micronesia April 9, 2004. [© AP Images]   PROFILE OFFICIAL NAME:Federated States of Micronesia…

The United States: Map and States

Explore the vast and diverse country of the United States, located in North America and bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. With its breathtaking landscapes, from the Rocky…

Birth Rate of Countries

(per 1,000 population) Find information below about the birth rate of different countries. For more country information, please visit our extensive country index. CountryBirth…

Life Expectancy for Countries, 2011

Find the average life expectancy for each country and the world. As of 2011, the country with the highest life expectancy is Monaco at 89.73 years; the country with the…

Life Expectancy for Countries, 2013

Find the average life expectancy for each country and the world. As of 2013, the country with the highest life expectancy is Monaco at 89.63 years; the country with the…

Life Expectancy for Countries, 2014

Find the average life expectancy for each country and the world. As of 2014, the country with the highest life expectancy is Monaco at 89.57 years; the country with the lowest…