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Displaying 171 - 180

Brewer's: Pietists

A sect of Lutherans in the seventeenth century, who sought to introduce a more moral life and a more “evangelical” spirit of doctrine into the reformed church. In Germany the word Pietist…

Brewer's: Momiers

(French, men of mummery). An Evangelical party of Switzerland, somewhat resembling our Methodists. They arose in 1818, and made way both in Germany and France. Source: Dictionary of…

Most Expensive U.S. Colleges and Universities

The priciest diplomas in the land It's well-known that the cost of education has skyrocketed in the past two decades. But, determining exactly how much school will cost is dependent on a lot of…

Football Hall of Fame: Players

Abell, Earl—Colgate, 1915Agase, Alex—Purdue/Illinois, 1946Agganis, Harry—Boston Univ., 1952Albert, Frank—Stanford, 1941Aldrich, Chas. (Ki)—Texas Christian, 1938Aldrich, Malcolm—Yale,…

Brewer's: Buckle

I can't buckle to. I can't give my mind to work. The allusion is to buckling on one's armour or belt. To cut the buckle. To caper about, to heel and toe it in dancing. In jigs the two…

Brewer's: Chapel

is the chest containing relics, or the shrine thereof (Latin, capella; French, chape, a cope). The kings of France in war carried St. Martin's cope into the field, and kept it in a tent as…

Past U.S. Supreme Court Members

The following table lists former members of the United States Supreme Court, who served the United States since 1789, including the names of Chief[1] and Associate Justices[2], years of service,…

July 2000 News and Events

WorldMexico Elects Reform President (July 1): Leader of center-right party, Vicente Fox Quesada, soundly defeats governing party's candidate, Francisco Labastida Ochoa. Election ends 71 years…

Life of Frederick Douglass, Appendix

A Parody Appendix I find, since reading over the foregoing Narrative, that I have, in several instances, spoken in such a tone and manner, respecting religion, as may possi­bly lead those…