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Country Profile Notes

Country Profile Sources and Definitions Major sources: The World Factbook; Center for International Research, U.S. Bureau of the Census; The Columbia Encyclopedia; The World Book…

Income and Credit

Find a list of American income and credit statistics below that includes U.S. GDP, total receipts and outlays of the Federal government, oustanding consumer credit,…

Economic Outlook Through 2014

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Monthly Labor Review, Nov. 2005, Every two years the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) publishes its latest projections on the…

Macedonia Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Macedonia Index: Geography People History Government and Political Conditions Economy Defense Foreign Relations U.S.-Macedonian Relations…

Kazakhstan Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Kazakhstan Index: People and History Government and Political Conditions Economy Foreign Relations PEOPLE AND HISTORY The majority of Kazakhstanis…

Philippines Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Philippines Index: People History Government and Political Conditions Economy Foreign Relations PEOPLEThe majority of Philippine people are descendants…

Kiribati Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note KiribatiKiribati dancers participate in New Year's ceremony on Millennium Island, Kiribati, Saturday, January 1, 2000. [© AP Images] PROFILEOFFICIAL NAME…

International Finance: Introduction

IntroductionInternational FinanceIntroductionAbout Foreign ExchangeEffect on Imports, Exports, and GDPTrade Deficits: Bad or Good?The International Monetary SystemThe Dollar and the U.S. EconomyIn…

Economic Indicators for Consumers

Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Web: Investors should follow economic news, since the health of the economy affects individual investments. Yet, sometimes press reports…