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(Encyclopedia) bittern, common name for migratory marsh birds of the family Ardeidae (heron family). The American bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus), often called “stake driver” because of a territorial…

Franks, Lucinda Laura

(Encyclopedia) Franks, Lucinda Laura, 1946-2021, American journalist, b. Chicago, Il., Vassar College (B.A., 1968). Franks was born in Chicago but…


(Encyclopedia) ShulamiteShulamitesh&oomacr;ˈləmīt [key], female character of the Song of Solomon. See Shunem.


(Encyclopedia) CharybdisCharybdiskərĭbˈdĭs [key], in Greek mythology, a female monster. Because she stole Hercules' cattle, Zeus hurled her into the sea. There she lay under rocks across from Scylla…


(Encyclopedia) DES or diethylstilbestrolDESdīˌĕthˌəlstĭlbĕsˈtrôl [key], synthetic nonsteroid female sex hormone having the same physiological effects as estrogen. In the 1940s and 50s DES was…

bustard quail

(Encyclopedia) bustard quail or button quail, any of the small ground-running Old World birds of the family Turnicidae. Also called a hemipode, it resembles a true quail in appearance and way of life…

Mississippi State University for Women

(Encyclopedia) Mississippi State University for Women, at Columbus; the first state-supported women's college; chartered 1884, opened 1885 as Mississippi Industrial Institute and College, renamed…


(Encyclopedia) ShaktiShaktishŭkˈtē [key] [Skt.,=power], in Hinduism, name given to the female consorts of male deities. The Shakti personifies the dynamic, manifesting energy that creates the…

ichneumon fly

(Encyclopedia) ichneumon flyichneumon flyĭkn&oomacr;ˈmən [key], common name for a family of insects, related to the wasps, whose larvae are parasitic on many other insects. Over 3,000 species of…