Biographies: Selected Biographies A to Z: W
Updated August 5, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

Selected Biographies A to Z
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- Linda Wachner, apparel industry executive
- Henry Wade, district attorney
- Robert Wadlow, tall man
- Robert Wagner, actor
- Donnie Wahlberg, singer, actor
- Mark Wahlberg, singer, actor
- Tom Waits, songwriter, actor, singer
- Frederique Van der Wal, model
- Jimmy Wales, inventor, entrepreneur
- Lech Walesa, politician, electrician, activist
- Christopher Walken, actor
- Alice Walker, writer
- Brian Walker, inventor, adventurer
- John Walker, terrorist
- Maggie Lena (Mitchell) Walker, businesswoman
- Paul Walker, actor
- Sarah Breedlove Walker, businesswoman, philanthropist
- Scott Walker, governor of Wisconsin
- William Walker, adventurer
- David Foster Wallace, writer
- William Wallace, outlaw, ruler
- Eli Wallach, actor
- The Flying Wallendas, circus performers
- Fats Waller, pianist, bandleader, jazz musician
- The Wallflowers, rock band
- Quvenzhané Wallis, actor
- J. T. Walsh, actor
- M. Emmet Walsh, actor
- Kate Walsh, actor
- Stella Walsh, runner
- Ray Walston, actor
- Barbara Walters, television reporter and anchor
- Julie Walters, actor
- Sam Walton, business personality
- Christoph Waltz, actor
- Abby Wambach, soccer player
- James Wan, filmmaker
- John Wanamaker, merchant
- Sam Wanamaker, actor, director
- An Wang, computer entrepreneur
- Charles B. Wang, computer software entrepreneur
- Vera Wang, fashion designer
- Wayne Wang, film director
- Perkin Warbeck, fraud
- Fred Ward, actor
- Nancy Ward , Cherokee leader and
Beloved Woman
- Rachel Ward, actor
- Andy Warhol, artist, filmmaker
- Margaret Warner, TV news reporter
- Ty Warner, toy industry executive
- Elizabeth Warren, U.S. Senator, Professor
- Estella Warren, model, actor
- Rick Warren, clergyman, evangelist
- Dionne Warwick, singer
- Denzel Washington, actor
- Dinah Washington, singer
- Isaiah Washington, actor
- Kerry Washington, actor
- Washoe, sign-Language chimp
- Mia Wasikowska, actor
- Wendy Wasserstein, playwright
- John Waters, filmmaker
- Maxine Waters, U.S. congresswoman
- Muddy Waters, blues singer
- Roger Waters, rock musician
- Sam Waterston, actor
- Doc Watson, guitarist, country musician
- Emily Watson, actor
- Emma Watson, actor
- James Watson, genetic scientist
- John H. Watson, M.D., fictional sidekick
- Thomas John Watson, Jr., computer industry executive
- Thomas John Watson, Sr., business executive
- Tom Watson, golfer
- James Watt, inventor
- Bill Watterson, cartoonist
- (Alyce) Faye Wattleton, activist
- Charlie Watts, musician
- J. C. Watts, politician
- Naomi Watts, actor
- Reggie Watts, comedian, rapper
- Damon Wayans, actor, comedian, writer, producer
- Keenan Ivory Wayans, actor, comedian, writer, director
- John Wayne, actor
- Lil Wayne, rapper
- Carl Weathers, actor, former professional football player
- Jacki Weaver, actor
- Sigourney Weaver, actor
- Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber, composer
- John and Eliza Webb, Florida homesteaders
- Dick Weber, bowler
- Edwin S. Webster, electrical engineer
- Noah Webster, lexographer, writer
- Josiah Wedgwood, potter
- Anthony Weiner, politician, U.S. Representative
- Bob Weinstein , producer
- Harvey Weinstein, producer
- Bob Weir, singer, guitarist
- Frederick R. Weisman, businessman, art collector, philanthropist
- Rachel Weisz, actor
- Raquel Welch, actor
- Orson Welles, actor, filmmaker
- Emmeline Blanche Woodward Wells , Mormon community leader and suffragist
- H.G. Wells, writer
- Junior Wells , musician
- Kitty Wells, country singer
- Ida B. Wells-Barnett, journalist, activist
- Eudora Welty, writer
- Jann Wenner, publisher
- Bernard Werber, writer
- Devon Werkheiser, actor
- Cornel West, scholar
- Kanye West, music producer, rapper
- Mae West, actor, writer
- Shane West, actor
- Dr. Ruth Westheimer, sex advisor
- George Westinghouse, inventor, entrepreneur
- George Hunt Weyerhaeuser, lumber executive
- Wil Wheaton, actor, writer, internet celebrity
- Joss Whedon, filmmaker
- Forest Whitaker, actor, director
- Barry White, singer
- Betty White, actor
- Ellen G. White, religious figure
- Shaun White, skateboarder, snowboarder
- Snow White, fictional character
- Vanna White, game show host
- Colson Whitehead, author
- The White Stripes, rock band
- Brad Whitford, guitarist
- Christine Todd Whitman, U.S. politician, public official
- Margaret C.
Whitman, business executive - Eli Whitney, inventor
- Ludwig Whittgenstein, philosopher
- Dr. Who, fictional TV character
- The Who, rock band
- Otto Wichterle, inventor
- John Edgar Wideman, writer
- Michelle Wie, golfer
- Elie Wiesel, writer
- Simon Wiesenthal, writer, activist
- Dianne Wiest, actor
- Albert Henry Wiggin, banker
- Hazel Hotchkiss Wightman , athlete
- Kristen Wiig, comedian, actor
- Wilco, rock group
- Jack Wild, actor
- Olivia Wilde, actor
- Billy Wilder, director, writer, producer
- Gene Wilder, actor, filmmaker
- Charles Wiley, publisher
- Wilhelm II, political leader, emperor, King of Prussia
- Willem-Alexander, royalty
- Jonny Wilkinson, rugby player
- Tom Wilkinson, actor
- King William IV, royalty
- Prince William, royalty
- Andy Williams, singer, TV personality
- Barry Williams, actor
- Dar Williams, singer, songwriter
- Esther Williams, swimmer, actor
- George Washington Williams, religious leader, historian
- Gluyas Williams, cartoonist
- Hank Williams, country singer, songwriter
- Jayson Williams, basketball player
- Jody Williams, activist
- John Williams, composer
- Michelle Williams, actor
- O. S.
Williams, aeronautical engineer - Robin Williams, actor, comedian
- Serena Williams, tennis player
- Stanley Tookie Williams, gangster, writer
- Ted Williams, baseball player
- Vanessa Williams, singer, actor
- Venus Williams, tennis player
- Fred Williamson, football player, actor
- Sonny Boy Williamson, blues singer, harmonica player
- Maisie Williams, actor
- Peter Williams, Jr., religious leader
- Peter Williams, Sr., religious leader
- Tennessee Williams, playwright, author
- Tony Williams, musician
- Treat Williams, actor
- Wendy Williams, TV and radio personality
- George Willig, daredevil, climber
- Bruce Willis, actor
- Gordon Willis, cinematographer
- Bob Wills, country musician
- August Wilson, playwright, poet, writer
- Brian Wilson, songwriter, vocalist
- Carl Wilson, guitarist, vocalist
- Cassandra Wilson, singer
- Charlie Wilson, U.S. Representative
- Dennis Wilson, pop musician
- Dooley Wilson, actor, musician
- Ellen Axson Wilson, U.S. first lady
- Jackie Wilson, singer, songwriter
- Kemmons Wilson, hotelier
- Lanford Wilson, playwright
- Luke Wilson, actor
- Owen Wilson, actor, screenwriter
- Rebel Wilson, actor, comedian
- Robert Anton Wilson, writer
- Russell Wilson, football player
- Valerie Plame Wilson, political figure, spy
- Ross Winans, inventor, manufacturer
- Oliver Fisher Winchester, arms manufacturer
- Amy Winehouse, singer, songwriter
- Oprah Winfrey, media personality
- Paul Winfield, actor
- Debra Winger, actor
- Sarah Winnemucca, Northern Paiute lecturer, educator, and writer
- Mare Winningham, actor, singer
- Kate Winslet, actor
- Mary Elizabeth Winstead, actor
- Jonathan Winters, comedian, actor
- Shelley Winters, actor
- Anna Wintour, magazine editor
- Tom Wiseau, filmmaker, actor
- Reese Witherspoon, actor
- Alicia Witt, actor
- Katarina Witt, figure skater
- Charlene Wittstock, royal consort
- Scott Wolf, actor
- Thomas Wolfe, writer
- Nat Wolff, pop musician
- Tobias Wolff, writer
- Arlington Springs Woman, ancient human
- Stevie Wonder, singer, songwriter
- Wonder Woman, cartoon character
- Faye Wong, musician, actor
- Tim Wong, high technology executive
- Willy Wonka, fictional character
- John Woo, filmmaker
- Elijah Wood, actor
- Natalie Wood, actor
- Ron Wood, guitarist
- Alfre Woodard, actor
- Shailene Woodley, actor
- Elin Nordegren Woods, celebrity relative
- Granville T. Woods, inventor
- James Woods, actor
- Carter G. Woodson, historian, educator
- Jacqueline Woodson, author
- C. Vann Woodward,, historian
- Joanne Woodward, actor
- Sam Worthington, actor
- Lil' Bow Wow, rapper
- Steve Wozniak, computer industry pioneer
- D'Arcy Wretzky, bassist
- Charles Wright, poet
- Jeremiah Wright, clergyman
- Robin Wright, actor
- Magdalena Wrobel, model
- Chien-Shiung Wu, experimental physicist
- David Wu, U.S. Congressman
- Aileen Wuornos, murderer
- Wu-Tang Clan, hip-hop band
- John Wycliffe, theologian, translator
- Andrew Wyeth, artist
- Noah Wyle, actor
- William Wyler, filmmaker
- Bill Wyman, rock musician
- Jane Wyman, actor, producer
- Tammy Wynette, country singer
- Keenan Wynn, actor