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Brewer's: What's What

He knows what's what. He is a shrewd fellow not to be imposed on. One of the senseless questions of logic was “Quid est quid?” He…

What the Frack

What exactly is fracking and do the facts support the opposition against it? by Jennie Wood Related Links Facts & Stats about Pollution and Global Warming…

What's the Question?

By Pearson Education Development Group Have you ever searched through information to find an answer to a question? Most likely you have. So, you're already familiar with doing…

What's an Analogy?

by Ann RecknerAn analogy is a type of word problem that often appears on standardized tests. It is made up of two word pairs, like this: GRACEFUL : CLUMSY :: late : _______ Your goal in…

What is Ramadan?

The Question: What is Ramadan and how is it celebrated? The Answer: Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, is a "month of blessing" marked by prayer, fasting, and charity. Muslims…

What's a carat?

The Question: In diamond measurement, what is a carat? The Answer: One carat is equal to 200 milligrams. It's a useful measurement for dealing…

What is a C.V.?

The Question: What does the Latin abbreviation C.V. mean ? The Answer: C.V. stands for Curriculum Vitae. When people refer to a C.V., they are…

What Is Falafel?

The Question: What is a falafel? The Answer: According to our dictionary, a falafel is a "small croquette made with fava-bean flour or ground chick peas…

What is G.M.T.?

The Question: What does G.M.T. stand for? The Answer: It is Greenwich Mean Time (G.M.T.), now more officially known as Universal Time (UT).…

What's a Hoosier?

The Question: What does the name "Hoosier" mean? The Answer: The word "Hoosier" has been associated with the state of Indiana and its inhabitants…