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U.S. Historical Monuments

Explore a variety of facts, images, and the significance of some of the most famous landmarks and monuments, including the Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, and the White House. The Statue of…

U.S. Constitution Quizzes

The Legislative Branch (Article I)The Excutive and Judicial Branches (Articles II and III)States, Amendments, Ratification (Articles IV–VII)Amendments 1–10 (the Bill of Rights)…

U.S. National Parks

Visit an American treasure by Elissa Haney The National Park Service maintains hundreds of outdoor parks... . . . as well as historic areas in places as far-flung as Hawaii–where tourists can…

Roller Coasters in the U.S.

In 1884 a preacher LaMarcus A. Thompson decided to build a new ride at New York's Coney Island to divert attention away from the local beer gardens. He built two parallel tracks, with individual…

The Great Seal of the U.S.

On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress appointed a committee consisting of Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson “to bring in a device for a seal of the United States of…

U.S. History Timeline

The defining moments of American history U.S. History is short in the grand scheme of things, but there's still a whole lot for any one person to keep straight. We've thrown together a timeline with…

U.S. Flag Timeline

A history of Old Glory 1776 1777 1794 1814 1818 1912 1916 1949 1960 1776 Jan. 2 The first unofficial national flag, called the Grand Union or Continental Colours, was raised at the behest of…

The U.S. Highway System

At the beginning of the 20th century, an uninterrupted system of nationwide highways did not exist. Beginning in 1811, a National Road had been constructed between Cumberland in western Maryland and…

Major Blizzards in the U.S.

  1888 Jan. 12, Dakota and Montana territories, Minn., Nebr., Kans., and Tex.: “Schoolchildren's Blizzard” resulted in 235 deaths, many of which were children on their way home from school.…