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'N Sync: Celebrity

CelebrityJive They've achieved staggering heights of popularity thanks to their good looks, sweet voices, and outrageously manufactured image, so it's mighty tough to feel sorry for 'N Sync.…

Chauncey Judd: Longmeadow Brook

Gunn's Barn Pursuit from Bethany Longmeadow Brook The breakfast in the barn was dispatched speedily and in silence; and then Graham, drawing his pipe from his pocket, and lighting it…

Chauncey Judd: The Abduction

A Quilting Party Ebenezer Dayton The Abduction Presently Chauncey came to a small piece of woods, through which ran a foot-path, cutting off an angle of the road, and shortening by a…

50 Funniest "Futurama" Quotes

Top of Page Greetings, fellow Earthicans! Are you ready for a journey to the far, far future? A time when robots, aliens, and mutants roam the streets and the fate of the universe hangs in the…

Taming the Colt

Taming the Colt"What in the world is that boy doing?" said Mrs. Jo to herself, as she watched Dan running round the half-mile triangle as if for a wager. He was all alone, and seemed…

Amy's Will

Amy's WillWhile these things were happening at home, Amy was having hard times at Aunt March's. She felt her exile deeply, and for the first time in her life, realized how much she was…

Peter Pan: Come Away, Come Away!

The Shadow The Flight Come Away, Come Away! For a moment after Mr. and Mrs. Darling left the house the night-lights by the beds of the three children continued to burn clearly. They…