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Strike Against War

by Helen Keller To begin with, I have a word to say to my good friends, the editors, and others who are moved to pity me. Some people are grieved because they imagine I am in the hands…

child abuse

(Encyclopedia) child abuse, physical, sexual, or emotional maltreatment or neglect of children by parents, guardians, or others responsible for a child's welfare. Physical abuse is characterized by…

French language

(Encyclopedia) CEE French language, member of the Romance group of the Italic subfamily of the Indo-European family of languages (see Romance languages). It is spoken as a first language by more…

Using RSS—Terms of Use

About RSS Technical Overview Sample Code Terms of Use The feeds are free of charge for use by individuals and by organizations for commercial and non-commercial use. By downloading an RSS feed…

The Best-Selling Children's Books of All Time

The world's most beloved children's stories Harry Potter, and how. It's very difficult to get exact sales figures for books; doing so requires combining the sales information from thousands of…

The Mother Lobe of Genius

The fossil skull of a 260-million-year-old sheep-sized animal was found near Williston on the Northern Cape, South Africa. It is the most primitive member yet discovered of a group of plant-eaters…

Father Grows Up

A history of TV's most famous dads by Beth Rowen The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet Related Links Father's Day featuresTimeline of Father's Day2,000 Years of the NecktieAlmanac:…