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(Encyclopedia) CE5 Image formation by curved mirrors and lenses reflection, return of a wave from a surface that it strikes into the medium through which it has traveled. The general principles…


(Encyclopedia) eyeglasses or spectacles, instrument or device for aiding and correcting defective sight. Eyeglasses usually consist of a pair of lenses mounted in a frame to hold them in position…


(Encyclopedia) germaniumgermaniumjərmāˈnēəm [key] [from Germany], semimetallic chemical element; symbol Ge; at. no. 32; at. wt. 72.63; m.p. 937.4℃; b.p. 2,830℃; sp. gr. 5.323 at 25℃; valence +2 or +4…

lens, in optics

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Lenses lens, device for forming an image of an object by the refraction of light. In its simplest form it is a disk of transparent substance, commonly glass, with its two…

Weather Words

Air pressure: Air has weight. Air pressure is the weight of the air, or atmosphere, pushing down on Earth. The closer you are to sea level, the higher the air pressure because there’s that…


(Encyclopedia) miragemiragemĭräzhˈ [key], atmospheric optical illusion in which an observer sees in the distance a nonexistent body of water or an image, sometimes distorted, of some object or of a…

The Divine Comedy: Paradiso: Canto XIX

Paradiso: Canto XVIIIParadiso: Canto XXParadiso: Canto XIX Appeared before me with its wings outspread The beautiful image that in sweet fruition Made jubilant the interwoven souls;…

The Divine Comedy: Purgatorio: Canto XV

Purgatorio: Canto XIVPurgatorio: Canto XVIPurgatorio: Canto XV As much as 'twixt the close of the third hour And dawn of day appeareth of that sphere Which aye in fashion of a child is…