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Discovering Underwater Disasters

Welcome to an engaging journey beneath the sea's surface! This quiz is all about underwater disasters, a fascinating yet terrifying realm of our planet's history. These incidents have shaped maritime…

Quiz: The Buzz About Bees

Are you ready to test your knowledge on one of the most fascinating insects on the planet? Bees are not only important pollinators of our crops, but they are also incredible creatures with complex…


(Encyclopedia) QuetzalcoatlQuetzalcoatlkĕtˌsälkôätˈəl [key] [Nahuatl,=feathered serpent], ancient deity and legendary ruler of the Toltec in Mexico. The name is also that of a Toltec ruler, who is…


(Encyclopedia) plutoniumplutoniumpl&oomacr;tōˈnēəm [key], radioactive chemical element; symbol Pu; at. no. 94; mass no. of most stable isotope 244; m.p. 641℃; b.p. 3,232℃; sp. gr. 19.84 at 20℃;…


This object is only about 30,300 mi (48,800 km) from Neptune and circles the planet in 13 hours and 18 minutes. Its diameter is 120 mi (190 km).

William Gilbert

In 1600 William Gilbert published De Magnete ("On Magnets"), one of the first scientific books in the English language and the first to suggest that the earth was a big magnet. A prominent physician…

Peru Map: Regions, Geography, Facts & Figures

Peru is a country located on the map of South America, bordered by Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Ecuador. Its capital is Lima, and its official language is Spanish. Peru is known for its…