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Displaying 351 - 360

Mountain Ranges of the World

Mountain ranges crisscross the entire planet, both above the water and below. But how much do you know about the most important and prominent mountainous stretches on Earth?

Underwater Mysteries Quiz

There are plenty of mysterious occurrences to be found on Earth. But some of the most disconcerting and fascinating mysteries can happen under the surface of the water that covers a majority of the…

What Is Earth Day Quiz

Earth Day is an important event that draws attention to environmental issues, natural resource crises, and climate change taking place around the world. But do you know some specific facts about…

Caves Around the World

Caves are natural wonders that have fascinated humans for centuries. From massive underground networks to hidden chambers with stunning rock formations, caves offer a glimpse into the geological…

Aliens, UFOs, & Extraterrestrials, Oh My!

Are you fascinated by extraterrestrial life and the mysteries of the cosmos? Do you find yourself gazing at the stars, pondering the existence of intelligent life beyond our planet? If so, this quiz…

World's Longest Rivers

Are you a world traveler or simply curious about the natural wonders of our planet? Test your knowledge about the world’s longest waterways with this geography quiz! From the Nile to the Amazon, we'…

Rivers of the World

Rivers are an essential part of our planet's ecosystem, and they have been a significant lifeline for humans since the beginning of civilization. From the Nile River in Africa to the Amazon River in…

What Do You Know About Pluto?

Pluto, the former ninth planet in our solar system, has been a topic of fascination for astronomers and space enthusiasts alike. Despite being reclassified in 2006, Pluto continues to intrigue us…

What Do You Know About Emperor Penguins?

Emperor penguins are fascinating creatures that have captured the hearts of people all over the world with their unique physical traits, social behavior, and ability to thrive in one of the harshest…