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European Mythological Creatures

Across the world, every culture and country has its own litany of mythological monsters. But can you identify the most terrifying of Europe's own beasts of legend?

Asian Mythological Creatures

Many cool and creepy creatures haunt the lore of Asia, from dragons to demons. Can you identify these fantastical monsters from Asian mythology?

African Mythological Creatures

The monsters and creatures of African lore can be terrifying and fascinating— how well do you know mythological beings from the continent of Africa?


(Encyclopedia) mythology [Greek,=the telling of stories], the entire body of myths in a given tradition, and the study of myths. Students of anthropology, folklore, and religion study myths in…


(Encyclopedia) periperipērˈē [key], in Persian mythology, supernatural being. Peris were said to be fallen angels who were denied paradise until they did penance. Originally agents of evil, in later…


(Encyclopedia) SeleneSelenesəlēˈnē [key], in Greek mythology and mythology, moon goddess; daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia and sister of the sun god Helios. There was no known moon cult…


(Encyclopedia) HelHelhĕl [key], in Norse mythology, the underworld (sometimes called Niflheim) and the goddess who ruled there. In early Germanic mythology, Hel was the goddess who ruled the majestic…


(Encyclopedia) Fates, in Greek religion and mythology, three goddesses who controlled human lives; also called the Moerae or Moirai. They were: Clotho, who spun the web of life; Lachesis, who…


(Encyclopedia) EurynomeEurynomey&oomacr;rĭnˈəmē [key], in Greek mythology, daughter of Oceanus and Tethys and mother, by Zeus, of the Graces. In the mythology of the Pelasgians, an aboriginal non…