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Brewer's: Marriages of Men of Genius

(See Wives Of ...) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Married WomenMarriages are Made in Heaven A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V…

Brewer's: Gretna Green Marriages

Runaway matches. In Scotland, all that is required of contracting parties is a mutual declaration before witnesses of their willingness to marry, so that elopers reaching the parish of…

Marriages and Divorces, 1900-2012

The following table lists the number and rate of marriages and divorces in the United States from 1900 to 2012.   Marriage Divorce1 Year Number…

First Marriages by Age and Sex

In England and Wales Year All ages Persons marrying per 1,000 single population at ages Per-cent aged under 20 Mean age2 (years) Median age2 (years) Males Number Rate1…

Live Births Outside Marriage

Numbers (thousands) in England and Wales Year All ages Under 20 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40 and over Mean age1 (years) 1995 219.9 36.3 69.7 59.6…

husband and wife

(Encyclopedia) husband and wife, the legal aspects of the married state (for the sociological aspects, see marriage). The former Anglo-American law of marriage was chiefly characterized by the view…

Same-Sex Marriage Legislation in the U.S.

Same-sex marriage legislation in the U.S. by Ricco Villanueva Siasoco   Vermont Rep. Bill Lippert, the only openly gay lawmaker in the House, speaks about the same sex union bill on…