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Brewer's: Twelfth

(The), the 12th of August. The first day of grouse-shooting. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Twelfth CakeTweedledum and Tweedledee A B C D E F G H I…

Brewer's: Twickenham

The Bard of Twickenham. Alexander Pope, who lived there for thirty years. (1688-1744.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894TwigTwelve Tables A B C D E F G…

Brewer's: U'na

(Truth, so called because truth is one). She starts with St. George on his adventure, and being driven by a storm into “Wandering Wood,” retires for the night to Hypocrisy's cell. St.…

Brewer's: Uriel

“Regent of the Sun,” and “sharpest-sighted spirit of all in heaven.” (Milton: Paradise Lost, iii. 690.) Longfellow, in the Golden Legend, makes Raphael the angel of the Sun, and Uriel the…

Brewer's: V

V represents a hook, and is called in Hebrew vav (a hook). Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894V. D. M A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S…

Brewer's: Vanity Fair

A fair established by Beelzebub, Apollyon, and Legion, for the sale of all sorts of vanities. It was held in the town of Vanity, and lasted all the year round. Here were sold houses, lands…

Brewer's: Remember

The last injunction of Charles I., on the scaffold, to Bishop Juxon. A probable solution of this mysterious word is given in Notes and Queries (February 24th, 1894, p. 144). The substance…

Brewer's: Rest

(The). A contraction of residue- thus, resid', resit, res't. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Rest on One's OarsResolute A B C D E F G H I J K L…

Brewer's: Reveille

[re-vay'-ya]. The beat of drum at daybreak to warn the sentries that they may forbear from challenging, as the troops are awake. (French, réveiller, to awake.) Source: Dictionary of…

Brewer's: Ride

To ride abroad with St. George, but at home with St. Michael; said of a hen-pecked braggart. St. George is represented as riding on a war charger whither he listed; St. Michael, on a…