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Measure for Measure Summary

Measure for Measure In the city of Vienna there once reigned a duke of such a mild and gentle temper that he suffered his subjects to neglect the laws with impunity; and there was in…

William Shakespeare: Henry VI (Pt 2), Act III

Act IIIScene IThe Abbey at Bury St. Edmund'sSound a sennet. Enter King Henry VI, Queen Margaret, Cardinal, Suffolk, York, Buckingham, Salisbury and Warwick to the ParliamentKing Henry VII…


The Slim Shady LP Aftermath/Interscope The living incarnation of Offspring's “Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)”, Motor City rapper Eminem, has delivered a debut album that is so patently offensive it…

Backstreet Boys

MillenniumJive The teen heartthrobs, whose last disc sold an astonishing 27 million copies, are back with another that is as unimaginative as the title, Millennium. To Backstreet Boys credit…

Tao Te Ching: Chapter 8

Daodejing (Tao Te Ching) by Laozi, trans. James Legge Chapter 7 Chapter 9 Chapter 8 1 The highest excellence is like (that of) water. The excellence of water appears in its benefiting all…