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  Montana State Information Capital: Helena Official Name: Montana Entered Union (rank): November 8th, 1889 (41st state) Present constitution adopted: 1972 State abbreviation/Postal code: Mon/…

Menacing Monster Guide

/* /*]]>*/ by David Johnson Monster Mania! Halloween Tricksters and TreatsQuiz: MonstersMonster JokesMonsters and Imaginary BeastsThe Terrifying Truth about Dracula Top 10 All-Time…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: May 21, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark May 20, 1806May 22, 1806May 21, 1806 Wednesday May 21st 1806. It rained a few hours this morning. Sheilds and Gibson set out to hunt towards the…

Save the Chickens?

Many farm animals are in danger of extinction by David Johnson According to the BBC, certain types of chickens are in danger of extinction. ( Related Links Threatened…

Brewer's: Cock-crow

The Hebrews divided the night into four watches: 1, The “beginning of the watches” or “even” (Lam. ii. 19); 2, “The middle watch” or “midnight” (Judg. vii. 19); 3, “The cock-crowing;” 4, “…

Brewer's: Philosopher

The sages of Greece used to be called sophoi (wise men), but Pythagoras thought the word too arrogant, and adopted the compound philosophoi (lover of wisdom), whence “philosopher,” one who…

Economic Outlook Through 2014

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Monthly Labor Review, Nov. 2005, Every two years the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) publishes its latest projections on the…