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analog-to-digital conversion

(Encyclopedia) analog-to-digital or A/D conversion, the process of changing continuously varying data, such as voltage, current, or shaft rotation, into discrete digital quantities that represent the…

digital circuit

(Encyclopedia) digital circuit, electronic circuit that can take on only a finite number of states. That is contrasted with analog circuits, whose voltages or other quantities vary in a continuous…

digital art

(Encyclopedia) digital art, contemporary art in which computer technology is used in a wide variety of ways to make distinctive works. Digital art was pioneered in the 1970s but only came into its…

digital-to-analog conversion

(Encyclopedia) digital-to-analog or D/A conversion, the process of changing discrete digital data into a continuously varying signal in relation to a standard or reference. There are two types of…

analog circuit

(Encyclopedia) analog circuit, electronic circuit that operates with currents and voltages that vary continuously with time and have no abrupt transitions between levels. Generally speaking, analog…

digital radio

(Encyclopedia) digital radio, audio broadcasting in which an analog audio signal is converted into a digital signal before being transmitted; also known as digital audio broadcasting (DAB) and high-…


(Encyclopedia) modem [modulator/demodulator], an external device or internal electronic circuitry used to transmit and receive digital data over a communications line normally used for analog signals…

Brewer's: Digit

The first nine numerals; so called from the habit of counting as far as ten on the fingers. (Latin, digitus, a finger.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Image formed by a camera camera, lightproof box or container, usually fitted with a lens, which gathers incoming light and concentrates it so that it can be directed toward the…