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Brewer's: Dead Letter

A written document of no value; a law no longer acted upon. Also a letter which lies buried in the post-office because the address is incorrect, or the person addressed cannot be found.…

Brewer's: Dead Lift

I am at a dead lift. In a strait or difficulty where I greatly need help; a hopeless exigency. A dead lift is the lifting of a dead or inactive body, which must be done by sheer force.…

Brewer's: Dead Lights

Strong wooden shutters to close the cabin windows of a ship; they deaden or kill the daylight. To ship the dead lights. To draw the shutter over the cabin window; to keep out the sea when…

Brewer's: Dead Lock

A lock which has no spring catch. Metaphorically, a state of things so entangled that there seems to be no practical solution. “Things are at a dead-lock.” —The Times. Dead Men Empty…

Brewer's: Dead Pan

(The). A poem founded on the tradition that at the crucifixion a cry swept across the ocean in the hearing of many, “Great Pan is Dead,” and that at the same time the responses of the…

Brewer's: Dead Reckoning

A calculation of the ship's place without any observation of the heavenly bodies. A guess made by consulting the log, the time, the direction, the wind, and so on. Such a calculation may…

Brewer's: Dead Ropes

Those which are fixed or do not run on blocks; so called because they have no activity or life in them. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Dead SeaDead…

Brewer's: Dead Sea

So the Romans called the “Salt Sea.” Josephus says that the vale of Siddim was changed into the Dead Sea at the destruction of Sodom (Antiq. i. 8, 3, etc.). The water is of a dull green…

Brewer's: Dead Set

He made a dead set at her. A pointed or decided determination to bring matters to a crisis. The allusion is to a setter dog that has discovered game, and makes a dead set at it. To be at…

Brewer's: Dead Shares

In theatrical sharing companies three or more supernumerary shares are so called. The manager has one or more of these shares for his expenses; a star will have another; and sometimes a…