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Court Reporter

What is this job like? Official records can be made up of written accounts of spoken words. Texts of spoken words may also be needed for letters, records, and proof in court. Court reporters…

Brewer's: Court

originally meant a coop or sheepfold. It was on the Latium hills that the ancient Latins raised their cors or cohors, small enclosures with hurdles for sheep, etc. Subsequently, as many…

The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court: Summaries The following are some important summaries of various Supreme Courts, leaders, decisions, and policies. The Supreme Court: Marshall Court   Marshall Court Overview…

The Supreme Court: Chase Court, 1864 to 1873

Chase Court, 1864 to 1873The Supreme CourtEbbs and Flows of Court LeadershipTaney Court, 1837 to 1864Chase Court, 1864 to 1873Waite Court, 1874 to 1888Fuller Court, 1888 to 1910White Court,…

The Supreme Court: Fuller Court, 1888 to 1910

Fuller Court, 1888 to 1910The Supreme CourtEbbs and Flows of Court LeadershipTaney Court, 1837 to 1864Chase Court, 1864 to 1873Waite Court, 1874 to 1888Fuller Court, 1888 to 1910White Court,…

The Supreme Court: Hughes Court, 1930 to 1941

Hughes Court, 1930 to 1941The Supreme CourtEbbs and Flows of Court LeadershipTaney Court, 1837 to 1864Chase Court, 1864 to 1873Waite Court, 1874 to 1888Fuller Court, 1888 to 1910White Court,…

The Supreme Court: Stone Court, 1941 to 1946

Stone Court, 1941 to 1946The Supreme CourtEbbs and Flows of Court LeadershipTaney Court, 1837 to 1864Chase Court, 1864 to 1873Waite Court, 1874 to 1888Fuller Court, 1888 to 1910White Court,…

The Supreme Court: Taft Court, 1921 to 1930

Taft Court, 1921 to 1930The Supreme CourtEbbs and Flows of Court LeadershipTaney Court, 1837 to 1864Chase Court, 1864 to 1873Waite Court, 1874 to 1888Fuller Court, 1888 to 1910White Court,…