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Displaying 471 - 480

The Supreme Court: Forcing Drug Tests

Forcing Drug TestsThe Supreme CourtControlling Our BodiesLimiting Abortion RightsDenying the Right to DieUsing MarijuanaForcing Drug Tests Another stage of the war on drugs placed pregnant…

Anatomy and
Physiology: Windows to the Soul

Windows to the SoulAnatomy and PhysiologyThe SensesWindows to the SoulCan You Hear Me Now?The Nose KnowsDon't Be So Touchy! Vision is a remarkable sense when you consider the difficulties. The…

The White Snake

The White Snake A long time ago there lived a king who was famed for his wisdom through all the land. Nothing was hidden from him, and it seemed as if news of the most secret things was…

Federalist No. 5

No 4 No 6 The Same Subject Continued (Concerning Dangers From Foreign Force and Influence) For the Independent Journal. Jay To the…

The Federalist Papers: Federalist No. 23

by AlexanderHamilton, JamesMadison and JohnJayFederalist No. 22Federalist No. 24Federalist No. 23 The Necessity of a Government as Energetic as the One Proposed to the Preservation of the…

The Federalist Papers: Federalist No. 4

by AlexanderHamilton, JamesMadison and JohnJayFederalist No. 3Federalist No. 5Federalist No. 4 The Same Subject Continued (Concerning Dangers From Foreign Force and Influence) To the…

A Whisper Of AIDS

by Mary Fisher Address To The Republican National Convention Less than three months ago, at platform hearings in Salt Lake City, I asked the Republican Party to lift the shroud of…

Job: 28

Job Chapter 28 1 Surely there is a vein for the silver, and a place for gold where they fine it. 2 Iron is taken out of the earth, and brass is molten out of the stone. 3 He…