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Federalist No. 12

No 11 No 13 The Utility of the Union In Respect to Revenue From the New York Packet.Tuesday, November 27, 1787.Hamilton To the People of the State of New York: THE…

The Salad

The Salad As a merry young huntsman was once going briskly along through a wood, there came up a little old woman, and said to him, 'Good day, good day; you seem merry enough, but I am hungry…

Brutus IX

Brutus IX17 January 1788by BrutusSee also Federalist No. 24The design of civil government is to protect the rights and promote the happiness of the people.For this end, rulers are invested…

Brutus XI

Brutus XI31 January 1788by BrutusSee also Federalist No. 80The nature and extent of the judicial power of the United States, proposed to be granted by this constitution, claims our particular…

Strike Against War

by Helen Keller To begin with, I have a word to say to my good friends, the editors, and others who are moved to pity me. Some people are grieved because they imagine I am in the hands…

Federal Farmer III

Federal Farmer III10 October 1787by The Federal FarmerSee also Federalist No. 36Dear Sir,The great object of a free people must be so to form their government and laws, and so to administer…